ACTi Services and Products
Opening jobs in Irvine, CA
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Taipei Office Map
US Office Map
Taipei Office Photo
7F 大廳
7F 接待櫃台
7F 員工休息區
11F 零食區
11F 辦公區
11F Demo室-便利商店
業務的cold call room
ACTi Corporation, founded in 2003, is a leading application developer with Big Data, Robot,
IoT, Cloud and AI Technologies to empower business intelligent solutions. Meanwhile, also
plays an important role as end-to-end IP video surveillance solution provider, covering all
the way from security to business management solutions.
ACTi 建騰創達科技股份有限公司成立於2003年,是透過『B.R.I.C.A.』技術整合幫企業做『商業
What is B.R.I.C.A.?
Big Data
ACTi implemented Video Analytics Algorithm into IP Surveillance Camera to build
application technologies such as facial recognition, ALPR and logistic tracking. Transferring
its video into meaningful and valuable data, with the accurate dashboard and analysis
report, to assist our customers with marketing strategic planning and revenue rising.
ACTi 將視訊演算法帶入網路監控攝影機,結合人臉辨識、車牌辨識、物流追蹤…等技術,將影
Software Robot
With the customized definition, Software Robot can process repetition tasks accurately with
high effectiveness. Assist enterprise to reduce people management cost and optimize
operational performance.
IoT (Internet of Things)
ACTi assists enterprise to reduce operational management cost and loss & damage
expense by using IP Surveillance Camera connected with devices to create Logistic/Good
Tracking, Door Access, Procurement and Inventory Management applications.
ACTi's Cloud technology provides rapid and stable data collection platform to assist
enterprise monitoring the situation with control center even in distances and build crisis
management system.
A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)
ACTi built its own Artificial Intelligence technology and apply to 7/24 customer services
system to support customers dealing with clients' real-time inquiries. It will be developed
to operational management and business intelligence application to maximize work
ACTi 的人工智慧首先運用在客戶服務上,提供全球客戶不間斷且具有價值的資訊。未來將要發
ACTi執行長, Juber Chu
Live Video Solution
在科技不斷的進步下,從文字逐漸演進至聲音、影像,我們相信即時影像將成為最終的趨勢,因此,即時影像的各種應用成為 ACTi 主要的事業發展。
我們認為「品牌」才是最有價值的經營模式。因此,我們將我們引以為傲的產品冠上 ACTi 的名字,除了研發、創新、與製造之外,我們還極力發展業務與品牌行銷。
Global Business
好的產品就要讓全世界知道。ACTi 應用即時影像不只保護社會,還希望能夠改變世界,我們的業務遍及全世界:北京首都機場、美國軍方除爆機器人、義大利國鐵等。
High Value
FamilyMart 全家便利商店首家智能商店 X ACTi Smart Retail
The well-known Japanese convenience store chain – FamilyMart – has just launched their first concept store for Smart Retail Store in Tainan, Taiwan. ACTi along with other technology partners have contributed to bring up this concept.
全家首家智能商店開幕,賣場約 70 坪,店內約使用 100 個顯示器、另外還有感應鏡頭、自助結帳、IoT 設備監控,智能櫃台等,透過ACTi 建騰創達的網路攝影機,結合B.R.I.C.A.技術應用 (Big Data, Robot, IoT, Cloud, AI) 搭配人臉辨識、大數據分析與 POS 連線,讓店員可以提供更好的建議給消費者,貨架顯示屏可商品資訊及廣告,加上攝影鏡頭的演算法可以分析消費者的購買行為,使用電子紙貨架標籤,加上貨架顯示屏等,讓店員可以減少盤點時間,透過平板就可以了解貨架的情況。

News Detail ☛
B.R.I.C.A. to Future Business Model?
ACTi provides B.R.I.C.A. technologies to empower business solutions and help enterprise with business development.
B - Big Data
R - Software Robot
I - IoT (Internet to Things)
C - Cloud
A - Artificial Intelligence
FarEasTone遠傳電信 X ACTi 智能商店平台
The well-known Taiwanese telecommunication company FarEasTone in collaboration with ACTi has launched a new smart service called Smart EyE. This service aims to target small to medium retail shops to help them overcome the challenges when opening a new store. This monthly paid service consists in providing smart solutions such as: people counting, heat map, digital signage, and VIP recognition.
遠傳電信近年積極搶攻企業市場,近期看準台灣微型企業與街邊店家加速數位轉型需求,與ACTi建騰創達合作推出Smart EyE智能商店平台, 結合大數據、人工智慧、物聯網應用與跨領域解決方案,搶進微型企業市場。
Product Detail ☛
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ACTi 在哪裡?
ACTi 地址:台北市內湖區堤頂大道二段407巷20弄1號7樓
公車站:西湖市場 / 基湖路口 / 治磐新村
Where is our office?
18 Technology Drive, Suite 139, Irvine, CA 92618
(866) 410 2284
ACTi 關心您和家人的健康,除了符合勞動基準法規定之勞健保、年假和周休二日外,我們還提供以下福利措施:
- 員工團體保險 / 出差旅遊平安保險
- 員工年度健康檢查
- 三節、生日禮卷
- 婚喪補助 、生育津貼、男性陪產假、女性育嬰假
ACTi 擁有舒適的工作環境,在公司內我們定期提供以下福利措施:
- 員工汽、機車停車位補助
- 代訂便當系統(提供午餐及加班晚餐)
- 辦公室24HR無料零食櫃、銅板價膠囊咖啡機
- 年度旅遊補助、家庭日活動
- 電影包場、部門聚餐、社團活動…等
ACTi 提供完整教育訓練,期許員工不斷追求進步,努力在這裡找到屬於自己的發展空間
- 新人教育訓練、內外訓補助
- CEO非讀不可好文共享
ACTi offers competitive salary, benefit and social integrity (Including Medical Insurance and Life and Disability Insurance)
More Detail content will be provided upon interview.
Regional Sales Manager
1. Location: Work from home
2. Territory: United States / Canada
3. Job type: Full time
《 Roles & Responsibilities 》
1. Manage and develop existing and new national & regional system integrators.
● Recruit new national & regional system integrators.
● Value selling & relationship coverage to penetrate all necessary SI business decision makers and influencers.
● Product & solution training and validation.
● Device and software integration with SI large system solution.
● Facilitate SI sales and tech support infrastructure and working model build up to streamline with ACTi internal resources.
● Co-work with SI to win end user projects.
● Increase ACTi product penetration rate for all end user projects.
2. Manage and develop existing A&E consulting firms
● Recruit new A&E consulting firms with right contact.
● Build effective working model to provide product information including A&E spec.
● Sell ACTi value to influence end user project plan and specification.
● Build successful project references to empower long-term confidence.
3. Manage and develop vertical solution sales
● Recruit vertical solution SI.
● Turn-key solution selling including device, software, solution and project customization.
● Co-work with vertical solution SI to win end user projects.
4. Manage and develop territory sales
● Build territory sales strategies, plans and execution to grow short-term business in assigned territory.
● Co-work with General SI Sales and Distributor Account Sales to maximize territory sales penetration.
《 Preferred Qualifications 》
1. Possession of local legitimate work permit
2. Capable of manage and streamline resource from multiple locations and time zones including Taiwan.
3. Sales background & competence
● National & Regional SI selling including account and project management.
● End user selling is a plus.
4. Solution background & competence
● IP camera selling including project plan and implementation.
● VMS, system solution selling is a plus.
Apply Now!
Please visit ACTi Career web page and find Join Us->Application->Apply Now! button to submit your resume.
It takes 3-5 work-days for resume screening, our recruitment member will contact you directly for an interview arrangement if your resume meets our minimum requirement. No need to call or email for confirmation.
RMA Assistant Engineer
1. Location: Irvine, CA
2. Country: United States
3. Job type: Full time
《 Roles & Responsibilities 》
Provide testing, repairing and renewing service to returned product.
● Repair PCBA board and renew returned product.
● Manage in&out of returned product and material.
● Move, collect and seal returned product in boxes.
● Provide testing and reworking to returned product.
《 Qualifications 》
1. Familiar with Microsoft Office (Excel/ Word).
2. Experience of repairing electronic product is a plus (IP-CAM、Video server).
3. Have basic knowledge of electricity and comprehension of electronic circuit.
4. Knowledge of using Iron, heat gun, multimeters and oscilloscope is a plus.
5. Bilingual in Mandarin and English is a must.
6. Permanent US resident or Citizenship for Legitimate employment with US is required.
Apply Now!
Please visit ACTi Career web page and find Join Us->Application->Apply Now! button to submit your resume.
It takes 3-5 work-days for resume screening, our recruitment member will contact you directly for an interview arrangement if your resume meets our minimum requirement. No need to call or email for confirmation.
Field Application Engineer
1. Working location: Irvine, CA, US
2. Job type: Full time
As a Field Application Engineer in ACTi, you are the link between the development, customer and sales teams. Your goal is to generate technical solutions, troubleshoot and help customers to successfully resolve issues. You will help to design system solutions for our customers using existing products within our portfolio. This requires in-depth knowledge of the product: You are familiar with all of the details from development to testing aligned with the sales strategy. As you will have direct contact with customers, you must have excellent communication skills.
《 Roles & Responsibilities 》
- Answer technical support requests and presales questions via phone, email or through our Customer Helpdesk.
- Troubleshoot remotely with customers to resolve technical issues.
- Escalate cases to the Product Development team following the documented guidelines.
- Issue RMA (Return Material Authorizations) for Hardware products.
- Perform technical trainings and product presentation to ACTi’s partners.
- New Hardware & Software products pre-release testing.
- Conduct Proof of Concept evaluations for hardware & software as part of the pre-sales cycle.
- Support Sales in the completion of complex RFI/RFP/RFQs.
- Coordinate and attend industry events for product showcase.
《 Required Experience and Qualifications 》
- B.S. or M.S, preferably major in Computer Science or Electrical/Mechanical Engineering.
- 1-3 years of work experience in IT, product development, technical support or Software/Firmware testing engineering.
- Good knowledge of TCP/IP and networking.
- Expertise in MS Office (Excel, Outlook, Power Point)
- Expected travel time for this position is 10%
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills
- Must be able to lift, push, pull and carry 25-50 lbs. as required.
《 Additional Requirements or Bonus Skills 》
- Experience in customer service is a plus.
- Network certification CCNA/CCNP or MCITP/MCSE is a plus.
- Knowledge of photography concepts (shutter speed, aperture, ISO...)
- Experience troubleshooting in Windows OS environment.
- Experience with Programming and Software Development
- Experience in CCTV or related industry.
- Bilingual Mandarin and English with good communication skills.
**Legal working status in United States is required.
Apply Now!
Please visit ACTi Career web page and find Join Us->Application->Apply Now! button to submit your resume.
It takes 3-5 work-days for resume screening, our recruitment member will contact you directly for an interview arrangement if your resume meets our minimum requirement. No need to call or email for confirmation.
RMA Engineer
1. Working location: Irvine, CA, US
2. Job type: Full-time
《 Positioning 》
Provide testing, repairing and renewing service to returned product.
Support Engineers with RMA Administration works.
《 Responsibilities 》
- Repair PCBA board and renew returned product.
- Manage in&out of returned product and material.
- Move, collect and seal returned product in boxes.
- Provide testing and reworking to returned product.
- RMA administration management, including responding customers' emails and inquiries, also provide tracking status by request.
《 Preferred Qualifications 》
- Familiar with Microsoft Office (Excel/ Word).
- Experience of repairing electronic product is a plus (IP-CAM、Video server).
- Have basic knowledge of electricity and comprehension of electronic circuit.
- Knowledge of using Iron, heat gun, multimeters and oscilloscope is a plus.
- Fluent in English and basic in Chinese is a must.
- Bachelor degree or above.
Apply Now!
Please visit ACTi Career web page and find Join Us->Application->Apply Now! button to submit your resume.
It takes 3-5 work-days for resume screening, our recruitment member will contact you directly for an interview arrangement if your resume meets our minimum requirement. No need to call or email for confirmation.
Warehouse Admin. (Part-time)
1. Working location: Irvine, CA, US
2. Job type: Part-time (8-12 hours per week)
3. Contract period: 3-6 month.
《 Positioning 》
Provide short time support in warehouse admin. work.
《 Responsibilities 》
- Warehouse administration support.
- Collect, scan, and move boxes.
- Assist with RMA goods.
《 Preferred Qualifications 》
- Can carry 25-50 lbs. as required.
- English (fluent), Chinese (at least basic) is preferred.
*Job Type: Part-time job, require 3-6 months and 8-12 working hours per week.
Apply Now!
Please visit ACTi Career web page and find Join Us->Application->Apply Now! button to submit your resume.
It takes 3-5 work-days for resume screening, our recruitment member will contact you directly for an interview arrangement if your resume meets our minimum requirement. No need to call or email for confirmation.